When you click a link, requested page is shown below, so scroll down. Put Today's Girl on Your Page


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Link to Us

Put a text link anywhere and everywhere!

Select ALL the following code:

This is what you'll get:

Check this site out if you want to see a beautiful hot girl everyday.

Java code for 365 Hot Girl of the day

Display our daily calendar girl. Using this code will automatically change the picture daily on your web page. It requires you to allow Java scripts on your page.

Select ALL the following code:

This is what you'll get:

HTML Code for 365 Hot Girl of the day

You can still get a new girl every day withoug Java. It isn't quite as good because it's a manual process and sometimes we miss a day. The benefit is this HTML is simple and will work on any web page, blog, mySpace...

This is what you'll get:

Add a Hot Girl to your web page 365 days a year.

Java code for 365 Hot Girl of the day and a small calendar.

Display our daily calendar girl and a calendar. Using this code will automatically change the picture daily on your web page with the current months calendar. It requires you to allow Java scripts on your page.

Select ALL the following code:

This is what you'll get:

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If one of our 365 Hot Girls picture is copyrighted, just let us know the site where the original resides and we will be happy to remove it.